Governance Leadership Statement

iMAC UK - Governance Leadership Statement


The Scriptures teach that a plurality of leaders is to provide the overall spiritual care of each fellowship of believers. (Acts 14:23; 22:17-8; Phil. 1:1; Titus 1:5)

They are responsible to Christ, the Head of the church. Our church uses the term

"Leadership Team" and this term is synonymous with the term "elders."


A list of qualifications is found in 1 Tim. 3:1-7, 2 Tim. 2:24-26, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-5. It is to be noted that the qualifications have to do more with character and maturity than they do with abilities or giftedness.

This means that the variety of people on this team will result in a variety of gifts, some public and some more private in nature. They will, however, model the Christian faith.

They must also be available and be people who are already influencing for good in their involvement with people.



a) Establish the goals and direction of the congregation.

b) Design and maintain programs that are aligned with the vision of the church.

• Empower leaders in areas of ministry and spiritual giftedness.

d) Ensure that the vision of the church is clearly understood and embraced.

e) Release the spiritual gifts within the body of Christians for the benefit of the body.

f) Appoint the Ministry Team leaders. (Deacons and Deaconesses)

g) Review finances and ensure the church is run with financial integrity.

h) Annually review the performance of the pastoral staff and briefly report to the congregation. (Note: the Senior Pastor will review the performance of other staff and report back to the leadership team.)

How The Church Is Managed

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